Ringmore Parish Council

A parish council is the smallest and most localised tier of local government in the UK and is a properly constituted local authority.

Parish councils provide a focus for local activity in their communities, encouraging local people to make their views known, particularly on issues about maintaining and improving the character of the local area. A key role of parish councils is to express those views to other public bodies, such as the South Hams District Council, particularly on planning applications, including most importantly the new Joint Local Plan, and other environmental or quality of life concerns.

Ringmore Parish Council is comprised of seven councillors. The work of the members of the council is voluntary, and the members give their time freely to help protect and enhance the parish for the benefit of all residents.

The Localism Act 2011 requires parish councillors to publicly declare if they have certain financial (“pecuniary”) and any other (“non-pecuniary”) interests. These declarations are logged in a “Register of Interests” and each member’s interests are shown under their name below this introduction. The declarations are public documents and all members of the council are required to complete the forms.

The parish council has legal responsibilities as an employer and the Clerk acts as the Responsible Financial Officer and administrator and advises the parish council on lawful decision making and implementation.

The Parish Council has a wide range of duties and responsibilities. These are largely determined by the nature of the Parish the council serves but issues can include such things as: Planning, highways, transport and traffic, community safety, housing, street lighting, allotments, cemeteries, playing fields, community centres, litter, war memorials, seats and shelters, rights of way. Central Government is encouraging local councils to deliver more services and play a greater part in their communities.

The powers and duties and the manner in which a parish council operates is laid out in local government statute and regulations. To comply with those regulations the council collectively conducts its business in accordance with a document agreed by the council from time to time known as Standing Orders. Individually, members must also conduct themselves in accordance with an agreed Code of Conduct. These, and other documents relating to how we conduct ourselves, are available in the Documents section of this website.

Details of the current Ringmore Parish Councillors